Alpha Beta College is a co-educational institution which was established in 2005 in the heart of Nagaon town with a ‘WILL’ to impart qualitative of and result oriented higher secondary level education. The basic structure of the college is firmly built on a highly qualified faculty comprising of a perfect blend of Academicians, Educationist and other experts . The qualification and prolonged experience of its faculty members provides a guidance of unmatched excellence.In our college ,the students will find a very powerful, intensive and innovating teaching system that can help them unfold their full potential systematically and practical detail to develop comprehensive understanding of concepts and their application blended with periodic tests to cultivate proper examination temperament as well as competitiveness.system that can help them unfold their full potential systematically and practical detail to develop comprehensive understanding of concepts and their application blended with periodic tests to cultivate proper examination temperament as well as competitiveness.
News & Notification
Executive Committee
Alpha Beta College is under the control of society of education registered under The society of registration act of 1860 .